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Maximize Your Marketing and Sales with Marketo Salesforce Integration: Native and Custom Solutions
Manmeet Singh

I. Introduction

II. Default/Native Integration

III. Custom Integration Solutions

IV. Case Studies and Success Stories

V. Conclusion

I. Introduction

Ready to supercharge your marketing and sales processes? Integrating Marketo with Salesforce could be your secret weapon. Let’s explore the native integration options and see how custom solutions from our expert developers can make a big impact.

II. Default/Native Integration


Marketo and Salesforce offer a robust native integration designed to keep both platforms in sync effortlessly. This integration ensures a smooth data flow between your marketing and sales teams, giving everyone access to the latest customer information.

Key Features

  • Bidirectional Sync: Your data—leads, contacts, campaigns—syncs between Marketo and Salesforce every five minutes. That means real-time updates and no more outdated info.
  • Lead Management: Sync lead status updates automatically. Marketing efforts pause when sales teams are actively engaging, so you’re always in sync.
  • Ease of Setup: Setting up is a breeze. Just create a dedicated Marketo Sync user in Salesforce, configure permissions, and map fields between the two platforms.


  • Unified Data: Keep data consistent and accurate across both platforms. Say goodbye to data silos!
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Marketing and sales teams can share insights and data more effectively, leading to better teamwork.
  • Improved Efficiency: Automate data synchronization, cutting down on manual entry and errors.

III. Custom Integration Solutions

Why Custom Integration?

The native integration is great, but sometimes you need a bit more. Custom solutions can address specific workflows, custom objects, or unique data management needs. That’s where we come in.

Our Custom Integration Services

  • Advanced API Work: We harness the power of Marketo’s and Salesforce’s extensive APIs to build custom integrations tailored to your needs.
  • Custom Field and Object Sync: Need to sync custom fields or objects? We’ve got you covered, ensuring all relevant data is captured and used effectively.
  • Tailored Workflows: We create custom workflows that automate complex processes, boosting the efficiency of your marketing and sales operations.
  • Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: Integrate data from both platforms into your analytics tools for deeper insights and smarter decision-making.

Benefits of Custom Integration

  • Flexibility: Tailor the integration to fit your specific business processes and requirements.
  • Scalability: Easily adapt and scale the integration as your business grows and evolves.
  • Comprehensive Data Utilization: Make sure all relevant data, including custom fields and objects, is utilized to its full potential.

IV. Case Studies and Success Stories

  • Custom API Integration: We helped a client sync custom objects and fields between Marketo and Salesforce, streamlining their data management and boosting efficiency
  • Enhanced Lead Scoring: A project where custom workflows improved lead scoring and nurturing processes, leading to increased sales conversions.

V. Conclusion

Whether you go with the default/native integration or opt for a custom solution, integrating Marketo with Salesforce can take your marketing and sales efforts to the next level. Our team of experts is ready to help you set up and optimize these integrations to perfectly fit your business needs. Ready to unlock your business potential? Let’s make it happen!

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The native integration is a built-in feature that syncs data between Marketo and Salesforce, allowing seamless communication between your marketing and sales teams. It ensures that leads, contacts, and campaigns are automatically updated in real-time.

The key features include bidirectional sync every five minutes, automatic lead management, and ease of setup, requiring only a dedicated Marketo Sync user in Salesforce and basic field mapping.

The integration ensures unified data across both platforms, allowing teams to share insights and data more effectively, leading to enhanced collaboration and better alignment on goals.

Custom integration solutions offer greater flexibility, allowing you to tailor the integration to specific workflows, sync custom fields and objects, and create tailored workflows that meet unique business needs.

Custom integration enables you to integrate data from both Marketo and Salesforce into your analytics tools, providing deeper insights and enabling smarter decision-making by utilizing all relevant data.

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