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Manmeet Singh

Leadership is a term that carries a significant weight in any organization or team. The leader is the driving force behind the team’s success or failure, and their actions play a critical role in shaping the team’s direction and purpose. In my 12 years of experience in different ventures, I have come to realize that effective leadership is not just about directing others but also about shaping and molding them to achieve their full potential. In this article, I will explore the duties of leadership in shaping the team and how they can be executed to achieve the desired results.

A leader’s job is to have a vision and make it the TEAM’s goal to achieve it (including him/herself), once you have that seed planted, these KPIs will automatically get fulfilled – M. Singh

Inspired by a dear friend n former co-worker.

One of the primary duties of a leader is to provide a clear vision for the team. A leader should set a clear direction for the team to follow and articulate it in a manner that inspires and motivates team members. The vision should be ambitious, realistic, and aligned with the team’s goals and objectives. A clear vision helps the team to focus on the right things and provides them with a sense of purpose, which is crucial for team cohesion and commitment.

Another critical duty of leadership is to provide guidance and support to team members. As a leader, it is important to create an environment where team members feel safe to experiment, take risks, and learn from their mistakes. The leader should be available to offer guidance and support when needed and be willing to provide constructive feedback that helps team members to grow and develop.

Leadership also involves building a culture of trust and collaboration within the team. A leader should encourage open communication, active listening, and respect for diverse perspectives. A team that trusts each other and works collaboratively is more likely to achieve its goals and deliver results. The leader should lead by example, demonstrating the values and behaviors that are expected of team members and creating a culture of excellence that promotes continuous improvement and learning.

In addition to providing guidance and support, a leader must also hold team members accountable for their actions and performance. Accountability is critical to the success of any team, and the leader must ensure that team members are held responsible for meeting their commitments and delivering results. A leader should establish clear expectations and goals for each team member, regularly monitor their progress, and provide feedback that helps them to improve their performance.

Leadership also involves identifying and developing talent within the team. A good leader should be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each team member and provide opportunities for them to develop their skills and expertise. A leader should also be willing to delegate tasks and responsibilities to team members, which helps them to grow and take on new challenges. By developing talent within the team, a leader can create a sustainable source of competitive advantage for the organization.

Finally, a leader should be able to inspire and motivate the team to achieve its goals. A leader should lead by example, demonstrating a strong work ethic, a positive attitude, and a commitment to excellence. A leader should be able to communicate the team’s successes and milestones in a way that inspires and motivates team members to continue working towards their goals. By creating a sense of purpose and passion, a leader can help the team to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.

In conclusion, leadership is a critical component of team success, and effective leadership requires a combination of skills, traits, and behaviors. A leader must provide a clear vision, guidance, and support to team members, build a culture of trust and collaboration, hold team members accountable, identify and develop talent, and inspire and motivate the team to achieve its goals. By executing these duties effectively, a leader can shape and mold the team to achieve their full potential, and ultimately, deliver results that benefit the organization. As a leader, it is essential to continuously develop your leadership skills and behaviors, and learn from your experiences to become a better leader and shape the team towards success.

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